Friday, February 12, 2010

5 Steps To A 5 Ap Biology How Do I Study For AP Chem And AP Bio- 1 Month Left?

How do I study for AP Chem and AP Bio- 1 month left? - 5 steps to a 5 ap biology

I have 5 steps to a 5 AP Chem
Zumdall: Introduction to Chemistry
General Chemistry Whatton
The solution of problems in chemistry
5 Steps to a 5 AP Bio
Prepare for the exam with AP Biology Campbell 7th Reprint
CliffsNotes AP: Biology 2 Issue
Raven: Biology, 7th Edition \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\

The thing is, I read and began to study notes, but he does not remember anything. Recently, I went, I threw my old school AP program and my new school. I spend so much, but absolutely necessary 4 Bio since my brother and it took four. Actually, I had 5 in two, but has recently had a practical test for the AP Bio and achieved a 1st Somebody help me. What should I do?


  1. OK Hello ... They need to hear ... I did this until I know what I mean!

    1) there is no way you can find everything you need to know only one month left, and two access points to learn. What to do now is to learn as much as possible in the remaining time.

    2) Choose a book for each subject. You can have your time, through books so different. Choose a book and stick to it. I recommend the election of the easiest to understand and gives you only the most important things you need to learn.

    3) begin now. to go through a chapter and notecards. I see now. thats good! Just enter the key points on the maps. a map of point communication. Do not write too much in a NoteCard. Keep it simple. Just write a key point card.

    4) If there is anything that you do not understand, ask your teacher to explain. Stop back and forth between the pound. You are advised only to all the little confused, and a waste of time.

    5) You review the maps should !!!!!!! it is good. but if not revised, it makes no sense to also take decisions. revisions thereof, which will remind you. Unfortunately, this is a test for the most memory. You have to make maps for an entire chapter. So before you go do something else, you should use these cards. then you can use the same for the next chapter.

    6) should review all correspondence cards daily. tYou know without a doubt, remove the backpack and set aside and will continue to be the one you do not know to check.

    7) have no time to relax themselves. You need to make every minute of the day for the next few months. They have no time to lose!

    8) points out, the end is only a test. If you receive less than his brother, this is not the end of the world. Of course, he'll probably annoy you, or at least I would recover if I am your brother, but.

    9) pray

    10) pray a little more ...

    11) Now you have to go to reduce the answer to your question about Yahoo Answers, and studying!

  2. AP BIO

    Use bubbabrain
    Choose a grade level in the left menu and click on it.
    Select items and click on the object that falls into the well.
    Choose a word defined in the dropdown menu and click Submit at the bottom of the page.
    Say, the box in the upper left to "find this" and a definition is listed below. Click on the name that corresponds to the definition. A new definition will appear, and you should find the new definition.
    Continue until you clean the rest of the board of directors.

    Good luck

  3. OMG YOU NEED TO THE BOOK Princeton Review for AP and AP CHEM BIO GET! Why do not you? "ITS A Life Saver!

  4. idk but good luck to u.
    pa in taking chemistry this year. = /
